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We cannot overemphasize the importance of component materials that underlie the industry as a whole.

Advanced special metal materials are not only the foundation of future industries, but also sometimes determine the success or failure of future industries. Despite playing an important role, only a few developed countries have produced and supplied. 

Since its foundation in 2003, we have developed special metal manufacturing technology based on vacuum melting technology. In 2010, we boldly invested in mass production facilities with the vision of a global high-tech special metal company. It has steadily secured excellent research and production personnel and has grown into a competitive special metal company.

Special metals produced by our company include special nickel alloys, special copper alloys, and special titanium alloys based on 'vacuum melting technology'. These high-tech metals include aerospace, petrochemical, shipbuilding, marine, power generation facilities, semiconductors, OLEDs, and future automobiles. It is used as a key material in all fields of the future industry.

We will continue to grow into a global special metal company by focusing on continuous research and development and securing advanced production technologies

I would like to be a company that is the basis for the advancement of future industries in Korea.

CEO of HVM Co., Ltd

 Moon Seung-ho

Thank you for visiting our website.

We cannot overemphasize the importance of component materials that underlie the industry as a whole.

Advanced special metal materials are not only the foundation of future industries, 

but also sometimes determine the success or failure of future industries.
Despite playing an important role, only a few developed countries have produced and supplied.
Since its foundation in 2003, we have developed special metal manufacturing technology 

based on vacuum melting technology.
In 2010, we boldly invested in mass production facilities with the vision of a global high-tech special metal company.
It has steadily secured excellent research and production personnel and has grown into a competitive special metal company.

Special metals produced by our company include special nickel alloys, special copper alloys, and special titanium alloys based on 'vacuum melting technology'. These high-tech metals include aerospace, petrochemical, shipbuilding, marine, power generation facilities, semiconductors, OLEDs, and future automobiles.

It is used as a key material in all fields of the future industry.

We will continue to grow into a global special metal company by focusing on continuous research and development

and securing advanced production technologies

I would like to be a company that is the basis for the advancement of future industries in Korea.

CEO of HVM Co., Ltd

Moon Seung-ho